Phone Call Etiquette

Many businesses do not experience their full potential because of poor communication skills. Telephone etiquette is one of those skills. How you conduct yourself with a client or customer is of the utmost importance. It is essential that you be aware of your tone of voice when talking business on the telephone.
Have you ever placed a call to a business only to have someone answer the telephone with a harsh and angry sounding tone? If this has ever happened to you, then no doubt you would agree that the person on the other end of the phone made you feel unimportant. Your tone of voice can either be an immediate turn off or it could stimulate you to want to do business with the person or company you called. Therefore, it is recommended that you take a few minutes to practice, ensuring that you use the correct tone, volume, and pitch during a telephone conversation.
During any business phone call, be courteous and polite. If you are placing the call, be certain to inform the other party who you are, your respective position, and what company you are representing before you give the name of the person you are trying to reach. On the other hand, if you are receiving the call, identify yourself and your company when answering, and always retain a professional and pleasant tone.
Perhaps one of the most important aspects in business etiquette is the proper use of the hold feature which allows you to address urgent matters, while allowing you to continue your communication with the other party on another line. However, in order to refrain from offending the other party and wasting their time this feature must be used properly.
If a situation has arisen and you must place someone on hold, first ask if you may place them on hold for a short time. Wait for their confirmation prior to doing so and turning your attention to another task, otherwise they may not be aware as to what just happened.
If the other party seems indecisive about being placed on hold, explain to them in a respectful manner that another matter has arisen and it is essential to address it immediately. One of the worse things you can do is make them feel as if their time is not valuable to you. If at all possible you should explain to them clearly why they are being momentarily inconvenienced. Under no circumstance should you keep them waiting for more than 30 seconds, and as such, you must address the other matter quickly, before returning to the other person.
There are certain guidelines that you should adhere to when using voice mail messages. When leaving messages, keep the message clear and concise, speaking clearly and slowly, so the person whom you are leaving the message for can easily understand and interpret your message.
If you follow these proper and easy to implement telephone etiquette guidelines it will insure your professionalism and you will leave a good impression during every business call.

• Call at a convenient time. Look for convenience of the person you are calling not yours.
• Always ask if it is right time to discuss.
• Start talking about an important matter.
• Your conversation should be clear, precise and brief.
• Start conversation with greetings and introduction.
• Be polite and gentle during conversation.
• End conversation on a positive note and a wish.
• If you are in hotel room and ordering for food; make sure to repeat your order so that no confusion is there.
• If you are served wrongly, do not criticize the service person. Do not be rude. Keep your voice low. Tell him politely.

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yes i am 50 said...

Great information here especially on phone ettiquete. As a business owner I often receive calls where the person on the other end of the phone does not introduce themselves. Check out my blog site

Workplace Harassment Training said...

Good article and great tips. The telephone skill level of everyone who interacts with clients can be just as important to the success as the quality of the professional services.

Unknown said...

There are certain guidelines that you should adhere to when using voice mail messages. When leaving messages, keep the message clear and concise, speaking clearly and slowly, so the person whom you are leaving the message for can easily understand and interpret your message.

Cherry Fletcher @ Acne and Treatment

Australian telecom company said...

Phone etiquette is quite an important factor to consider especially among companies.

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