Staying or Leaving Job

Deciding whether to stay on with your present firm or leave to work elsewhere can be a major decision. These considerations may be precipitated by unanticipated changes at work, such as a takeover of your firm. Or, you may have been experiencing a growing dissatisfaction with your work, your boss, or your colleagues. Perhaps you have been with the same organization for several years and have met the challenges and exhausted the opportunities which the job can offer. Your days at work may have become increasingly monotonous or perhaps even downright boring. You may have been thinking quietly to yourself that may be it’s time to look elsewhere for another job.

Making this decision can be difficult and it certainly is important. It is most important to ponder carefully the decision to leave, especially when good jobs are hard to find; when leaving means making new workplace friends; and, when you have to continue meeting your financial obligations. Under these circumstances, you just don’t jump up and leave impulsively. Why not sit down and put your thoughts on to paper?
Consider each job aspect and personal quality and record a number 1,2 or 3 on either the stay or the leave side. The number you record represents the strength of that item for either staying or leaving. The totals at the end are a quantitative estimate to assist you in your decision making.

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Think wisely before making a decision regarding your job.
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