Life After work

• Occasionally, join your workmates after work for a drink or chat so as to keep in touch socially as well as vocationally.
• As a special treat, buy some flowers or another small gift on your way home. You, your spouse or housemate can enjoy the celebration of Wednesday or any other day, just because it is that particular day.
• Discuss the high points and the low points of your day with your spouse of housemates. Ask their opinion about any specific problems you might be having at work and be certain to reciprocate.
• During the after work hours, try to go out and get some vigorous exercise to blow off any accumulated tensions from the day. Just a briskly thirty minute walk will do wonders for you.
• Make ample provision for time with your family and close friends during evening and weekends. These important support people can play a most significant part in maintaining a positive and productive outlook in your work life.
• Get to bed in time to have a full night’s rest. Insufficient sleep can be a problem for very busy people and irritability and crankiness can result.

Thus, you can make your work life and your personal life much more positive by starting your days with a positive outlook and reinforcing this approach during and after work. Taking time to think positively about yourself and those close to you will help you overcome many obstacles. Some obstacles, however, may cause you to step back.

Harmonious and productive working relationships exist primarily because the needs of the individuals in the work team are being met. For some, there may be a need to remain quiet and removed so that they can get on with their work. For others, however, there may be a need to forge closer ties and warmer relationships with workmates. As long as the aims of the employing body are being met, then these varying needs of the work team members can be tolerated.
Problems occur, however, when this reciprocating system of need/satisfaction gets unbalanced. If one or more people want to satisfy needs which are outside the aims of the employing body or antagonistic to the other work team members, then problems occur. Let’s look at several ways relationships at work can be enhanced and made more harmonious and productive.

Be pleasant

At the start of the work day, take a few minutes to chat briefly with your workmates nearby. A warm smile and a few friendly words can get both you and your workmates off to a positive start in the day.

Show an active interest in your workmates. Asking about their plans for the forthcoming weekend or showing interest in an event they mentioned casually at lunch can bring you closer to others.

Remember birthdays and other special events important to your work team members. Bringing in a cake and taking time to celebrate the occasion during a coffee break can create a more friendly environment at work.

Giving some time to assist workmates who need help is a good investment. The dividends are generally warmer relationships.

Being able to talk appropriately about yourself and your life outside of work makes you a more approachable person. Of course, talking about yourself, if carries to excess, will create boredom and possibly even antagonism. Keep the conversations a two-way process.

Be willing to spend time outside of work with others

Your relationships with your workmates will deepen if you occasionally spend some time outside of work hours with them. A drink after work, a dinner out or a weekend activity will bring you closer to others.

When one of your workmates seems to be upset, offer to discuss the matter. The situation might be too personal for workplace discussion, but your offer will be appreciated. In your discussions with others in distress see the issues from their perspective and take note of their sensitivities.
Be willing to read books on interpersonal communication and friendship formation
If you feel estranged from others at work and would like to have closer relationships, browse through your local bookshop or library for relevant books on the topic.

As social relationships are very complex, book reading and self-practice might not be sufficient to bring you closer to your workmates. In that case, consider joining doctor or another helping professional for suggestions about courses and other resources.

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