Learn to Relax in Life

Make relaxation a habit - At odd moments during the day when opportunity occurs, flop down in a chair or on a bed or settee. Relax every muscle. Close your eyes. Pass your fingertips lightly over your forehead several times and let your face melt into a smile. Do this also when you go to bed. You ‘ll enjoy better sleep.
While working, conserve your energies. By forethought reduce unnecessary jaunts upstairs. Avoid standing if you can work equally well sitting down. Place tools and materials handy so as to reduce movement as much as possible. Such practices reduce strain and fatigue.
Do get into the habit of smiling readily. You can not be tense when you are smiling, and you look so much more attractive! You ‘ll know more serenity of mind when you smile more.

It is worth stressing that worry is productive of nothing but furrowed brows, nervous breakdowns and gastric ulcers. It solves no problems. You ‘ll know little serenity if you allow yourself to become a worrier.

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Unknown said...

conserve your energies. By forethought reduce unnecessary jaunts upstairs. Avoid standing if you can work equally well sitting down. Place tools and materials handy so as to reduce movement as much as possible.

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