Miss Manners

Miss Manners Etiquette

Do not laugh at others – You can laugh with them when they do something foolish but it is unkind to laugh if they are unable to see the funny side themselves.

Avoid Sarcasm – It is a mark of low intelligence and a way of denying the essential human dignity of others.

Do not argue and contradict – If a person is wrong, try to make him see this for himself without telling him that he is wrong.

Do not bear grudges – If someone upsets you, go and tell him in a straightforward, friendly way-and then forget it.

Do not be jealous – Jealousy is a terrible emotion and very hard to overcome. But it is a certain way to become unpopular.

Avoid gossip – It is a wise rule to speak only well of people in their absence, for everyone has some good points. It is a better rule not to talk at all about people except in their presence. If others are gossiping, do not stay to hear it.

Do not boast – Few people have anything to boast about, for anything you can do someone else can do better. Your achievements should speak for themselves.

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Unknown said...

It is a wise rule to speak only well of people in their absence, for everyone has some good points. It is a better rule not to talk at all about people except in their presence. If others are gossiping, do not stay to hear it.

Cherry Fletcher @ Acne and Treatment


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