The Extra Mile of Thoughtfulness

Every day thousands suffer and weep because people are thoughtless. If you would live truly successfully, you must often walk this extra mile. It will cost you time and trouble, even expense. But it will invest your personality with a golden aura and you ‘ll stand head and shoulders above the thoughtless ones.
This thoughtfulness will take myriad forms. It may mean dropping a word of appreciation to a shop assistant who has been helpful or sending a few flowers to a lonely spinster in hospital or dropping a Christmas card to a pensioner living in one room. It may lead you to give the window-cleaner a cup of tea or cheer the milkman with a word of sympathy as he plods through the slush with your milk.
Thoughtfulness will teach you how to reprimand or correct people without hurting them; for rest assured only if you have not hurt them will you have achieved anything.

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Unknown said...

This thoughtfulness will take myriad forms. It may mean dropping a word of appreciation to a shop assistant who has been helpful or sending a few flowers to a lonely spinster in hospital or dropping a Christmas card to a pensioner living in one room.

Cherry Fletcher @ Acne and Treatment

Mobile App Developers said...

What you're saying is completely true. I know that everybody must say the same thing, but I just think that you put it in a way that everyone can understand. I'm sure you'll reach so many people with what you've got to say.

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