Specialize in Your Field Life

Besides being interested in other subjects and learning as much as possible about them, One must thoroughly master the subject of his special choice. It may be his profession, or hobby or interest. But it is necessary that one specializes at least in one subject. You must be a real authority in your favorite field. When you are presented with the opportunity, you should be able to speak with knowledge and confidence on that subject. Such specialization will help you to command the respect of others. It will make your interest in other areas all the more meaningful. For this purpose one should take to something which he likes intensely and go for it in a big way. He should read every possible look on the subject. He must join the appropriate societies or clubs. He must subscribe to the magazine devoted to it. He must attend meetings, see films and participate in debates concerning the subject. Specialization should not make one feel arrogant and superior. There will always be room for perfection. Even with specialization one should be able to listen to others, with patience, enthusiasm and eagerness. Specialized knowledge should be used judiciously at the right place and time in an effective manner.

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Unknown said...

You must be a real authority in your favorite field. When you are presented with the opportunity, you should be able to speak with knowledge and confidence on that subject. Such specialization will help you to command the respect of others.

Cherry Fletcher @ Acne and Treatment


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