One must watch and make full use of his time. We should not waste or fritter away the precious time at our disposal. The time spent in relaxation or in social activities is not wasted. But it should be planned and controlled. You must always be punctual. If you have an appointment for a certain hour of the day, be there at the right time, not even late by a second. Punctuality earns you respect and trains your will. It shows you are considerate and mindful of others. You should never keep others waiting. If you can not keep an appointment let the other person know about it at once. Another important habit to be developed is to do the things as scheduled. Never post-pone things. What should do now must be done now. It should never be postponed to a later time or date. A stitch in time saves nine. Answer your letter promptly. You must force yourself to do something which you may not particularly enjoy doing. We must learn to like and enjoy the things we do rather than doing only those things which we like and enjoy doing. This will strengthen our confidence and will-power. We shall soon discover that will-power to achieve victory is with us. It is better to be frank and confess our limitations than make wild promises and never keep them. The strength of your personality is determined by your dependability. Ability to keep the word indicates that you have strength of character. Therefore to live up to your words, whether given to others or even to yourself, must be first and foremost of your good habits. The techniques having been formed into habits become your daily routine. Thus by your regular way of living you will blossom into a successful personality.
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The one thing we must bear in mind is that we need be dominated by our goal, and must discipline our lives so that it can be achieved.
Cherry Fletcher @ Acne and Treatment
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