Develop Wide Interest

What is required is the alert, inquiring mind-the attitude of learn and improve one’s extent and dimension of knowledge. It does not mean being personally involved in hundreds or thousands of subjects or hobbies, but displaying the interest to learn, listen and talk them when the occasion arises. The advantage of such wide interest and extensive knowledge is that one is never at a loss to begin and continue an interesting conversation. He is able to interest himself in the activities of another person and acquire the gift of encouraging others to talk about themselves and the things which interest them most. Keen observation, extensive traveling, regular reading and ardent listening are other good methods for one to develop his knowledge. If one does not show interest in what is going on around him, if he does not exert himself to keep ablest with the current events, news and views, he will not be able to participate in any conversation with confidence and profit. Only by taking intelligent interest in the happenings around him, an individual will be able to kindle enough interest in others and make the right impact on them.

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Unknown said...

If one does not show interest in what is going on around him, if he does not exert himself to keep ablest with the current events, news and views, he will not be able to participate in any conversation with confidence and profit.

Cherry Fletcher @ Acne and Treatment

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