First, do all you can to shut out distractions. Studying in the sitting-room when the radio or TV is on or others are talking, is not helpful. Work alone and see the room is adequately ventilated, lighted and warmed. You must be unconscious of the body to give undivided attention.
As you begin, refuse to dream about the past or future. Don’t let your eyes water but keep them on your work. It will help if you write notes or draw sketches relevant to the subject. Resist any signs of self-pity.
One enemy of concentration is boredom. Your attention doesn’t wander during an exciting film or when reading a gripping novel. Boredom may set in if you work for too long, so limit sessions to an hour; then take a ten-minute break and do something different.
You might use this time to stimulate your interest by recalling your original intentions and ambitions, and thinking of the rewards of success-greater security, interesting holidays, a better job. Make a list.
Notice the first of these. You must will to learn. Much wandering attention is caused by half-hearted desire. If anything is worth learning it is worth learning thoroughly. Otherwise you will never be sure of your facts. Make up your mind to master the subject-matter and do not be content with a hazy smattering.
Avoid saying: ‘I can’t concentrate’. That is a negative suggestion and it is untrue. Instead, say: ‘My concentration is improving’.
If you have difficulty in concentrating, you are not alone. We are all mentally lazy and will avoid thinking if we can. Knowing this, be ruthless with yourself. Flog yourself mentally! Don’t be afraid of overworking-nothing will snap!
It will help if you set yourself a deadline. Give yourself a reasonable amount of work to be done in an hour, a week, a month. By thus giving yourself a challenge you enlist the aid of your emotions, and self-respect will goad you on.
You can desire further ways of strengthening concentration. Try totting up columns of figures. When you are proficient, do the same thing while the radio is on. As your concentration develops, speed and accuracy will be unaffected.
The final enemy of concentration is a spirit of defeatism. Never allow negative thoughts such as-I shall never master this. Your brain is more able and versatile than you realize. Don’t be afraid to stretch it. It will rise to heavier demands. Have confidence in your own powers. Attack the work with determination. In six months what now seems unintelligible will be understood.
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You might use this time to stimulate your interest by recalling your original intentions and ambitions, and thinking of the rewards of success-greater security, interesting holidays, a better job. Make a list.
Cherry Fletcher @ Acne and Treatment
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